A big thank you from me/Vřelé poděkování

No matter if we want it or not, today’s world is fast paced. We often look for and find excuses why this or that is not possible. Why we do not find time for things we love and which make us happy.  Therefore, I very much appreciate the time you have devoted to visiting my website. I am very happy that I can share my adventures with you.

I hope you have enjoyed the journey and that it has inspired you 😀 . Do not go exactly in my footsteps. Find your own less travelled roads. Become the explorer. I look forward to reading your comments.

Ať chceme či ne, dnešní doba je uspěchaná. Často vymýšlíme a nacházíme výmluvy, proč to či ono nejde. Proč nenacházíme čas na to, co máme rádi, co nás činí šťastnými. Proto si velmi vážím toho, že jste si našli čas navštívit právě mé webové stránky. Jsem šťastná, že s vámi mohu sdílet má dobrodružství.

Doufám, že jste si cestu užili, a že vás inspirovala 😀 . Necestujte přesně v mých stopách. Najděte svoje vlastní cesty, které ještě nikdo neobjevil. Staňte se průzkumníky. Těším se na vaše komentáře.

15 thoughts on “A big thank you from me/Vřelé poděkování

  1. Úchvatně prezentuješ své cesty nejen poutavým slovem, ale i výstižnými fotkami.
    Líbí se mi Tvůj smysl pro detaily.
    Pastva pro oči i duši.

  2. Lenka,

    I have to say your webpage is highly inspiring.
    It makes me want to put my travelling shoes on and explore the world.
    Thank you for such great and useful tips.
    I can’t wait to visit Canada, Ireland and many others.


  3. Lenka, I love your page! It is such a nice place for dreaming. Now I have many more places in my head that I still want to visit one day. And I really enjoyed your description, personal experience and details of all the magnificent destinations. And the photographs, WOW they are so beautiful :-). Can’t wait to read another chapter of your travel journey!

  4. Z vlastni zkušenosti mužu potvrdit ze jak sama Lenka 😉 tak jeji blog je plny energie, optimismu a radosti z maličkostí. Každý řádek jsem si uzivala, jako kdybych tam byla. DĚKUJU a piš, piš a foť..stoji to opravdu za to..

  5. Se zajmem jsem si precetla Vase zazitky z cest. Je uzasne, s jakym nadsenim se poustite do novych a novych, pro Vas objevitelskych, cest. A se stejnym nadsenim o nich i pisete. Mate v sobe cestovatelskeho ducha a videt co nejvice ze SVETA je pro Vas srdecni zalezitosti. Preji Vam mnoho dalsich zajimavych i nevsednich zazitku.

  6. Lenka

    Great website! It certainly brings back memories of our travels in New Zealand! Great times 🙂


  7. Coming from a Photographer 🙂 I must say that I have always loved your eye for detail. You are able to display and present your story and travels in the photos you capture. I wish to be able to travel the world in the near future and also capture the moments with my photography.

  8. I feel blessed to travel the world through your eyes capturing shades of life and scents from elsewhere, glances into deep chasms, through your narrative gift to exalt each snapshot into an authentic footstep. I am more than a reader on your page. Fascinated.

  9. My Lenny! You are such an inspiration! Always positive, always embracing life. Your trips and photos are the best proof. The pictures are amazing. Do never change. Be the source of positiveness I always turn to. xxx

  10. My Darling Lenka! Your lovely photographs of your exciting travels are truly eye candy. I love how your website displays your talents and keen eye for beauty. I admire your sense of adventure and your ability to capture beauty whether it be in nature or cities. This is not hard to realize since you’re a beautiful person. Through your photographs, I can live vicariously through your experiences– it’s quite fun letting my imagination run free. You’re an inspiration and I’m a fan of yours! By the way, just thought I’d share with you my upcoming trip to Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, and Prague this October for three weeks! Thought you might appreciate that. I’m so excited! xx

  11. Lenka….

    This blog is amaizing…..
    Soo beautiful pics arround the world…
    When i see those flashly needs to b there…
    It means this is perfect n u r soo talent….
    Congrats n Please visit us again…
    Love to serve you alot…..❤❤❤

  12. psat umime vsichni, ale jen malokdo napise neco, co lidi inspiruje, oslovi a potesi zaroven; Leni, hlavne v tom pokracuj 🙂

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